Caren's Blog

Thursday, July 17, 2008

First Post

Hi, friends, family, and hopefully not strangers.

I don't know why I'm creating this blog really, except that I am procastinating in a major way on getting nursing school applications done, and studying for the GRE. It's truly amazing the things I can get done when there is something much more important that really needs to be done. Other reasons to blog: to keep in touch with family that lives far away, to keep up (or develop, depending on your opinion) some writing skills, and to journal what I hope will be a fantastic, fun, creative, and daring year for me.It seems presumptuous that folks would want to read about my little life, but I'm putting it out here anyway.

The call of adventure has been loud in my ears lately. The prospect of not being tethered to my cell phone and pager this fall, when I go off call for about 6 months, might have something to do with it. Less tangibly though, I have just had a realization that this is it!! This is my life. Not having time, money, a killer bod, experience, or (my favorite) that it's too late to be a child prodigy so why bother, are awfully lame excuses.
I read an article in the NYT magazine the other day about people's "Must-Do" lists, list of things to do before they die. I don't have such a list yet-look for updates in future posts. But you know how I dig lists, so look for one in future postings. Share yours in the comments section!

Tonight I am trying something really intimidating to me: Capoeira. It's a combo of dance and martial arts, traditionally practiced by Brazilian slaves. Slaves could practice a self-defense system, without slave owners seeing them doing anything but dancing. I've wanted to try it for about 2 years, Me? Not a good combo. I haven't wanted to dance since about 3rd grade, when I had to wear a leotard to tap and ballet, despite being a bit overdeveloped for my age. Humiliating. But Capoiera? No leotard required! So why not give it a try? I'll update you on any injuries.

Last Saturday I knocked off another Must-Do. I got to participate in a cadaver lab at a local medical school. Amazing! It's really indescribable. All 23 people were so unique, and the stories of their lives were marked on their bodies: someone who wore high heels way, way too much; someone who was very physically active and fit; someone who loved tattoos. It also gave me an appreciation for the resiliency of the human body, all they go through in our lives, and keep working for us (more or less). I definitely, for the record, would like to donate my body for this purpose. I only wish I could be there to see what's unique about my insides!

Ok, well. I better get to work on nursing school stuff. Today, I'll order transcripts, fill out background check forms, and rough draft my general essay, so I can customize it for each school. FYI, the schools I am applying for are: NYU, Vanderbilt, Hawaii Pacific University, University of Hawaii, University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Washington, Seattle University, Oregon Health and Sciences University, and a few other safety schools. Oi! I keep telling myself that no one can say yes if I don't ask!

Love to all!

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